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Action Log


This action log sets out requests for information and actions required by the Scrutiny Panel. Any requests for information that do not relate to a specific agenda item will be published on the Future Oxfordshire Partnership website alongside the next available Scrutiny Panel Agenda, except where that information requires the disclosure of exempt information, as set out in Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972.


Date raised by the Panel



Member / Officer

Panel Updated/

Discussed on


Progress Notes


Request for further information on the methodology and criteria used in determining the revised HfI programme. This to include how the criteria has been applied to specific schemes, in particular a breakdown of the estimate of housing units that would be accelerated, (unlocked) by each scheme now recommended to be part of the revised programme versus schemes recommended to be removed or scaled back from the programme.

John McLauchlan, Head of Infrastructure Planning Office, Oxfordshire County Council


Quarterly reports on the delivery and financial progress of the Housing from Infrastructure, (HfI) programme will be reported to the Future Oxfordshire Partnership via the Scrutiny Panel for the remainder of the HfI programme. Officers will be asked to take this request into account in reporting any changes to the programme if it is necessary to do so.


Request from Cllr David Turner for information on district and city councils’ delivery against the agreed H&GD overall housing targets.


Paul Staines


In progress. It is expected this information will be circulated prior to the Scrutiny Panel meeting,


Request from Councillor Miles for a written note re custom build and self build - to include: 1) Role of self-build and custom build in providing affordable housing, 2) Difference between self-build and custom build and what can be done to increase the public visibility of self build and custom build plots. KM made the point that a lot of people not aware of self -build registers as part of the LP process.


Paul Staines


In progress. It is expected this information will be circulated prior to the Scrutiny Panel meeting,


Councillor Hicks queried whether there was a process for the Panel to follow up on the status and implementation of their recommendations. In response, it was agreed that officers would bring a summary of this information to the next meeting.

Kevin Jacob


The results of an interim analysis of the consideration of the Panel’s recommendations is presented below. More analysis is required to assess recommendation implementation, subject to officer time and resource implications.